
The GraphQL type definition for a Message returned by the API.

type Message {
        id: String
        ip: String
        helo: String
        date: String
        mailfrom: String
        rcptto: [String]
        headerfrom: String
        subject: String
        data: String
        html: String



A 10-character unique id for each message.


The ip address of the originating mail server. This can be in either ipv4 or ipv6 format.


The domain specified in the RFC 821 "HELO (domain)" SMTP greeting sent by the originating mail server.


An ISO-8601 compatible string representing the date the message was received by Maildrop.


The email address specified in the RFC 821 "MAIL FROM:<address@domain.com>" SMTP sender sent by the originating mail server.


An array of destination addresses specified in the RFC 821 "RCPT TO:<destination@you.com>" SMTP recipient sent by the originating mail server.


The contents of the "From:" header in the email message.


The contents of the "Subject:" header in the email message.


The raw SMTP email message sent to Maildrop.


If the message contained a MIME multipart html, that html data is here, otherwise this field contains the plain text body of the message.

Note: The data and html fields are only available when you are querying a specific message. For performance reasons, you should get the listing of messages, then retrieve the messages you're looking for one at a time.

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